Before applying for funds, it is important to review all the information below. Understanding the expectations of this funding will increase your chances of having your allocation request approved. Here are some reminders before getting started:

  • Applications are reviewed by a committee, which is comprised of Student Activities staff and a team of student leaders, within 10 working days of receipt.
  • You will receive notification stating your final allocation approximately two weeks after the submission of your request.
  • Questions regarding this process should be directed to: [email protected]
  • All money provided for Risk Initiative Funding is donated by The Association of Former Students.

Risk Initiative Funding is available for all Recognized Student Organizations at Texas A&M University. Recognized Student Organizations may request Risk Initiative Funding if all criteria below are satisfied:

  • Your organization is “recognized.” This means that your organization has met all the annual recognition requirements, and your organization is in good standing with the university. If you have questions or concerns about your organization’s status, contact the Department of Student Activities at 979-845-1133.
  • The money you are requesting will specifically be used for costs associated with risk management. The circumstance for your request as a unique, unforeseen expense related to risk management such as unanticipated and/or new expectations that your organization did not include in the budgeting process.
  • You or another officer of your organization has completed a Pre-Event Planning Form for the event for which the Risk Initiative funds are being requested.

You must complete all of the following before your application can be considered.

  • Complete a Pre-Event Planning Form located here.
  • Complete a Risk Initiative Funding Application and submit it to the Department of Student Activities, Koldus 224.
    1. Include an exact, itemized budget with specific costs, copies of quotes for the event, as well as an overall budget for your organization.
    2. Be sure your advisor and chief student leader review and sign the Pre-Event Planning Form and funding application.
  • Following the event, receipts and appropriate Student Organization Finance Center (SOFC) forms must be provided. Further, receipts and an explanation of fund usage must be provided to the Department of Student Activities.
  • Funds must be used for the purpose for which they were allocated.
  • Any money allocated, but not used, must be returned to the Department of Student Activities Risk Initiative Fund.
  • After the event has occurred, your organization must provide the Student Organization Finance Center with receipts from the event, along with appropriate SOFC forms for payment.
  • Within 10 days of the event, your organization must provide a written explanation (including copies of any SOFC receipts) of how the money was used to benefit the student organization. This should be submitted in Koldus 224. 
  • The circumstance for your request as a unique, unforeseen expense related to risk management such as unanticipated and/or new expectations that your organization did not include in the budgeting process.
  • The event or activity for which you are requesting funds must be linked to the mission and purpose of your organization. Evidence of this must be present in your funding request.
  • An explanation of whether or not your department/umbrella organization has risk management expectations (if applicable).
  • An exact, itemized budget that includes specific costs and copies of quotes.
  • Emergency/crisis-management situations.
  • Signatures of advisor and chief student leaders.
  • Percentage of actual event expenses that the funding request comprises.
  • Evidence of organization’s display of initiative to pay for the event.