A fraternity/sorority is a group of men or women bound together by brotherhood or sisterhood and common goals and aspirations. The members that form a fraternity or sorority share their efforts, friendship, and knowledge. Together these members learn, grow and make the fraternity and sorority community stronger. Their common experience builds ties that last a lifetime. This forms a brotherhood or sisterhood amongst members which helps to develop strong and creative leadership leading to success. Though there are many different fraternities and sororities, they all share common founding principles that are of interest to any Aggie. Fraternities and sororities enhance your educational experience by emphasizing intellectual, interpersonal, and social development. The ideals of lifelong friendship, sound education, campus and community service, and social interaction are what fraternity and sorority members strive to live by every day.
Academics are the most important aspect of college life. This is emphasized by all fraternities and sororities from recruitment thru graduation. Each organization provides some form of scholastic assistance: study areas, tutoring, study sessions and incentives such as scholarships, to challenge members to reach their full academic potential. Traditionally, students that join fraternities and sororities usually maintain a higher GPA than non-members. Furthermore, the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life houses academic resources available to both chapters and councils. Grade reports for each council are recorded and published here.
The Greek experience at Texas A&M ensures that you’ll find a family of like-minded Aggies to spend your four years with. Even better, this experience will open new doors and new opportunities for values-based leadership. Are you an up and coming financial guru? Well then, perhaps you are the future treasurer of a Collegiate Panhellenic Council sorority. Do you aspire to become a teacher? Then perhaps you’ll like to become a New Member Educator within an Interfraternity Council chapter. Do you have a rich cultural family history? Then maybe a Multicultural Greek Council chapter is for you. Are you ready to make the life-long commitment to one of the Divine Nine? Then contact our National Pan-Hellenic Council today. The opportunities are endless, and they don’t stop with Greek Life. Aggie Greeks are members of almost all of the 900+ student organizations on campus. Why? Because you can’t learn everything you need to know about leadership and life by being in only one organization. We’re sure that once you give Greek Life a chance, you won’t be disappointed.
University regulations require each student organization to have a primary faculty/staff advisor. An advisor adds to the continuity of the organization by making sure that successive student leaders of the organization understand the responsibility they share, as well as explaining to the student leaders the policies established for student organizations. Advisors aid in the area of program content and purpose by helping student leaders use their best judgment in selecting programs. Advisors also provide an outlet for students to talk about classes, their role in the fraternity or sorority and everyday issues that students face. Additionally, advisors are aware of and have an understanding of, those rules pertaining to organizations at TAMU as well as rules governing TAMU students. Advisors are made aware of liability issues (i.e. hazing, alcohol, etc.) and are expected to advise the organization to make reasonable and prudent decisions regarding these issues in planning activities.
Transitioning to college can be challenging. You will have to establish new friends and adjust to college academics. Greek Life is an excellent way for you to ease into college life, enabling you to develop socially & intellectually.
Advantage #1 – Friendship & Brotherhood/Sisterhood
As a member of the Greek community, you will have the opportunity to meet students of various backgrounds with both similar and different interest in a smaller, more comfortable atmosphere. Within each of the chapters, there is a close bond of friendship and family, and the ideal of brotherhood/sisterhood is a cornerstone upon which each fraternity/sorority is built. Every person contributes to this aspect. The Greek system combines the concept of individualism within the framework of mutual cooperation. Greek membership is not conformity. No sorority or fraternity is made up of members who are exactly alike. By choosing to enter Greek Life, you will meet those who will become your closest friends, those who will cheer you on when you’re successful, and those who will help you along when the going gets tough. From this unbreakable support system, you can easily branch off into other areas of college life, knowing that your Greek family is behind you no matter what.
Advantage #2 – Academics
A primary purpose of the Greek community is to encourage and develop high scholastic achievement among its members. Several factors contribute to this academic atmosphere, including peer tutoring, counseling by other Greeks, and chapter study hours which support new students who are adjusting to the rigors of collegiate studying. Within each Greek organization, there are members in a wide variety of colleges and departments. You will be able to seek help from others who are taking or have taken the same classes, and they can also advise you on which classes and instructors are the best in many fields. Nationally, just over 50% of students complete their college degrees. However, the U.S. Department of Education data shows that Greek members graduate at a rate in excess of 70%. Fraternities & Sororities help you meet the challenge of balancing academics while gaining the most from your collegiate experience.
Advantage #3 – Leadership
Everyone in the Greek family is a leader, whether you’re an officer, on a committee, or a participant. You will learn by doing. You will learn how to manage a budget, run effective meetings, speak in public, motivate others, and any number of other skills that will help you in college and throughout your life. These days, it takes more than just a degree to get a good job – it takes leadership experience and Greek Life delivers.
Advantage #4 – Community Service
The Aggie Greek community provides services to more than just its members. One of the many advantages of being a part of the Greek community is time spent helping others in need. The campus and the Bryan/College Station area are constantly reaping the benefits of the Greek community. The commitment found in Greek members can be seen in the enthusiasm they have in giving back to the community through their chapter’s philanthropies. Philanthropies are projects and events organized by groups or individuals to benefit the surrounding communities. They can involve members from one Greek organization or from the entire Greek community. Nationally, Greeks provide the largest network of volunteers in the United States and contribute 10 million hours of volunteer service each year. Aggie Greeks contribute an estimated $50,000 to the Bryan/College Station community each year.
Advantage #5 – Career Networking
Greek membership is for a lifetime. Some of the greatest benefits that come with being a member of the Greek community are the relationships you make with Former Students, providing many opportunities for career networking and mentoring, not only with your initial job search but also throughout your career. Football games, chapter anniversary dinners, conferences, conventions, and other events foster interaction with alumni. Alumni/graduate chapters located throughout the nation provide opportunities for continued involvement after graduation. Because their Greek experience was so meaningful, many Former Students “give back” to their organization by volunteering their time on a chapter advisory board, housing corporations’ board, or as a regional or district officer.